Reach Out With Us
Giving our all to share God’s love with our neighbors and community.
Weekly Schedule
Sharing His Love With Our Community
At Dauphin Way Baptist Church, we believe we are all called to share the love of Christ and His Word with our world because Christ commands us to, Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.(Matthew 28:19-20)
Throughout the year we meet the needs of our neighbors and community through outreach events and service. Our goal is to be the hands and feet of Jesus and a light to our city.
Child Development Center
The CDC is an extension of the ministry of Dauphin Way Baptist Church and has been consistently highly rated. Their mission is to provide a loving, nurturing and creative environment for each child so that they may fully develop mentally, physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually.
International Ministries Center
The Women on Mission participates in the annual Walk for Bibles and Prayer For Our Nation. They also provide a dinner for the summer interns.
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child is sponsored by the Women on Mission. The congregation provides shoe boxes ready to send to Samaritan’s Purse to place a smile on a child’s face.
Light of the Village
Members from Dauphin Way volunteer at the school to tutor students and provide for other needs the ministry may have. Angel Tree is sponsored by the Women on Mission for children at Light of the Village whose parents are incarcerated.
Alabama Baptist Children's Home
The Women on Mission sponsors a drive to provide school supplies for the children in the fall of each year.
McKemie Place
McKemie Place is a homeless shelter for women in Mobile. Dauphin Way members prepare and serve a meal each month. Following the meal, members provide an inspirational program with Bible Study, music and prayer.
Nursing Home and Assisted Living Ministry
Dauphin Way has a group on men and women that minister weekly in most nursing homes and assisted living centers in our city providing a worship and Bible study time.
Home of Grace
Home of Grace is a substance abuse center for women. The older singles class sponsors a worship and Bible study time once a month with cookies or ice cream.
Mission of Hope
Mission of Hope is a substance abuse center for men. The men of Dauphin Way lead a worship service and fellowship time for the residents.
Elijah and Serenity House
Elijah and Serenity House are halfway houses for men struggling with substance abuse. Dauphin Way provides transportation for the residents to attend Sunday morning worship service and the Men’s New Beginnings Class. Breakfast is provided during the class each week. A Bible study/recovery meeting is lead monthly at Serenity House and Elijah House and weekly at Quinton Care.
Women's Resource Center
WRC is a crisis pregnancy center in Mobile and Saraland. Dauphin Way has a group of ladies who sew baby items for the centers. The church cooperates with Baby Bottle Boomerang to provide financial support for the WRC.
Outreach Events
Dauphin Way Baptist Church has an active Women on Mission program that plans activities to meet the needs of various groups in our city throughout the year.
Vacation Bible School
VBS is an outreach event for children within the church and in the surrounding community.
Have questions?
If you have a question about Dauphin Way missions or need more details about getting involved, please fill out the form below.