Live Faithfully for Christ
As men, it is important to be in community with other like-minded men who can challenge each other to live an abundant Life in Christ. In whatever we do, we are always faced with a choice of looking to Christ and His Word or going our own way.
At Dauphin Way, we challenge our men to live faithful and generous lives as they seek to lead, love and serve at home, in their church and with their community.
Men’s Basketball
Mondays | 5:30 pm
Join us in the gym for a great time of fellowship and fun on the court!
The Mighty Men Alliance
The MMA is Dauphin Way Baptist Church’s men’s ministry. Just like King David’s mighty men, we are group of men bonded together and committed to fight for our marriages, our families, our church, and one another.
Our next opportunity to join an MMA group is going on now. We are studying Fight: Winning the Battles That Matter Most. To sign up or for more information, contact Keith Taylor.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Every Monday at 7:00 am in Room 144
Come together with men of faith to grow in community and strength as you learn how to lead and serve well in your community, church, and home.
Sunday School & Groups
If you are looking for a group of believers you can study the Bible and serve with, check out our Sunday School and Connection Groups.